This article will talk about the e-Learning trends and how colleges and universities institutes use them to advance students career. So guys let’s talk about some new major e-Learning trends for 2019 that we did not see in 2018 year. These include the following trends listed below.
1: Mobile
Mobile was the top trend selected by the experts (17 votes). This included mobile delivery, mobile learning, and responsive design.
2: Micro – Learning
Micro learning was the 2nd top trend ( 15.5 votes ). Many experts responses that included micro-videos, micro-learning and keeping content shorter.
3. Video
Video was the 3rd top trend ( 14.5 vodes ). Responses included video, interactive videos, live streaming videos, micro videos, and learner-generated videos
4: Virtual Reality
VR/AR received 12 votes from the experts and included responses for both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
5: Social
Social picked up 11 votes, with responses including social learning, user generated content (UGC) community, and content curation.
6: eLearning Decline
11: experts predict a shift to what we use in our personal lives ( Youtube, etc ) parity with new tools and technology, and the move to new models and skills.
7: Gamification
Gamification scored 7 votes, and the experts described gamification, gameful design, and platforms that support gamification
8: AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) was picked by 7 of our experts and their responses included artificial intelligence, chatbots, and adaptive learning
9: Interaction
5 experts emphasized interaction, with votes for scenarios, solutions to real pain points, redefining engagement, and a focus on relevancy.
More Responses
Other trends getting multiple vodies include: xapi 4: subscriptions tools and learning 3: inortanof of ROI, 3: scinece based learning 2: wearable, 2: personalized learning, extend enterprise, accessitpoyt, influces from ourtsie L and visual design.
Data Learning
latest technologies can use data-driven approaches to help refine learning and teaching practice more effectively in 2019
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