what makes a good primary school teacher ? four in five are women and about a third are 30 or under, but what character traits do they share? Here’s a look at the anatomy of a primary teacher.
Academic Brain
The vast majority of teachers – 96 percent-are educated to degree level or higher, Most go into the role after obtaining PGCE on top of an undergraduate degree.
How can you make grammar fun ? a teacher needs creativity to come up with lessons that grab the attention and keep the subject matter engaging.
Extra Eyes
Every class contain atleast one little scamp who fancies their chances at misbehaving the movement their teacher’s back is turned. Eyes in the back of their heads are, therefore a must.
Quick Witted
It’d be embarrassing to be caught out by a clever student. Teachers need their own sums and spellings to be sharp to set a good example.
Big Voice
Teachers need to be able to command a full of pupils. No-one wants to hear their terrifying telling off voice; but they’ve got one and aren’t afraid to use it.
Broad Shoulders
with precious parents who never accept their child is the wrong or smarmy friends who moan about”long holidays; teachers need to brush lots of things off.
Big Heart
Teachers need to have a passion for their profession and a desire to help children from any walk of life to overcome their learning challenges.
Planning, preparing resources, marking the working day does not finish when the school bell rings and teachers need the stamina to work long hours. Coffee and tea helps too.
Clear Hand writing
Teachers need clear handwriting – even on whiteboards and interactive screens where mere mortals see their words reduced to indecipherable scrawl.
Good Shoes
Teachers are constantly on their feet and so a good pair of shoes is vital. The average teacher walks about 5000 steps a day in their work, that’s the empire state building staircase three times!
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